Saturday, March 17, 2007

Blood Pressure and Happiness

Researchers at Warwick University have discovered a strong correlation between a country's happiness and its blood pressure problems.
Do you think that Blood Pressure should be a measure of happiness?

abx said…
more happy u r less will be ur BP (that may rise others........hehe)

DecentmonKey said…
Yes it can be, not completely, but among one of the measures of happiness.

tejbir said…
when i see a beautiful girl i get happy and when she looks at me the heart skips a beat and the BP rises so u see BP could be related to being happy but the root cause is that beautiful girl twist in the research, please tell the Warwick fellows ;) LOLZZZZZZZZZZZ

ruggedboyz said…
i totally agree wth the statement that blood pressure be a measure of happiness coz when u aint happy then u have this men who have over flowing bloddpresuure and heart attacks as a result so should be so is all i think

frenchita said…
if contrast to happiness is worry ...which brings high tension ,raises adrenaline and contributes to blood pressure ..then that is true on the other hand ..depression which also brings unhappiness wiil not raise your pressure . other contributors to high blood pressure are obesity . smoking and race ( eg . african americans have a genetic disposition for extremely high blood pressure which often kills them at young age of 30 sometimes )

lostpatrol53 said…
Empirical correlationships speak volumes about the methodology of such surveys, rather than the issue surveyed. What is the finding? Happness and BP are inversely related or other way round. Both ways, it could be rationalised. It is simpliflying a complex problem.


Anonymous said...

me first. more happy u r less will be ur BP (that may rise others........hehe)

Anonymous said...

Yes it can be, not completely, but among one of the measures of happiness.

Anonymous said...

hey shrawan bhai!
when i see a beautiful girl
i get happy
and when she looks at me
the heart skips a beat
and the BP rises
so u see BP could be related to being happy
but the root cause is that beautiful girl
twist in the research, please tell the Warwick fellows ;)

Anonymous said...

hey shrawan hope u are doing fine

i totally agree wth the statement that blood pressure be a measure of happiness coz when u aint happy then u have this men who have over flowing bloddpresuure and heart attacks as a result

so should be so is all i think


Anonymous said...

if contrast to happiness is worry ...which brings high tension ,raises adrenaline and contributes to blood pressure ..then that is true
on the other hand ..depression which also brings unhappiness wiil not raise your pressure .
other contributors to high blood pressure are obesity . smoking and race ( eg . african americans have a genetic disposition for extremely high blood pressure which often kills them at young age of 30 sometimes )

Anonymous said...

Empirical correlationships speak volumes about the methodology of such surveys, rather than the issue surveyed. What is the finding? Happness and BP are inversely related or other way round. Both ways, it could be rationalised. It is simpliflying a complex problem.