Saturday, March 28, 2009

Live TV debate

Should PM Manmohan Singh agree to a TV debate with Advani?

Niceguy251 says: Yes, why not? It will set a healthy precedent.

M Kumar says: But his health is failing; that's the excuse he has given for it(read: he does not want to debate to fail!). Moreover, Con-gress party does not debate democratically, it's run geneologically. PRAJAYA HO CON-gress!

Ruggedboy says: now i am a congress supporter so for me a debate on TV, newspaper, bathroom by advani means nothing i think let people decide on their own who they should elect and not advani sahebs tv debates do it

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friendships after Marriage

Do friendships change after marriage?

Niceguy251 says: Before marriage one has all the time for friends but after marriage one needs to keep time for partner on priority. Then there is question of friends of both getting along with the other. At times it may be that there are differences so in the final count , yes some friendships do change after marriage.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Gandhi Items

We procured Gandhi items through Mallya: Govt
Is this a victory of Government ?

LP says: Success has many fathers. Why these ended outside India? That failure has no takers. Let the case rest now.

Niceguy251 says: Mr Mallaya has contradicted this statement.

Ruggedboyz says: frankly speaking they ddnt belong to india which it should have orignially and in this economic slow down time do we really care about people and life or belongings of gandhiji really is out of me

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Slumdog and Indian cinema

'Slumdog' shines with 8 Oscars: 2 for Rahman, one for Pookutty . Do you think that it has created history in the field of Indian cinema?

Niceguy251 says: Yes. 3 Oscars for Indians is a good news, specially in music circle and technical. Movie may be British produced but theme was Indian with lot of focus on India. Same for Pinki too.
LP says: Any FIRST event is named 'creating history'. In that sense, the coveted awards to Indians in any cinema is historic. However, while we rejoice in the recognition from the Academy, and welcome the positive fall-outs, both on our national self-image as well as the foreign attention, let us not be overtly euphoric. Indian Talent is on the ascendancy in almost every field. This visibility is partly due to our decisions since 1991 to integrate our economy and trade with the global markets. In the era of interdependence and global trade, the developed world-read US in particular, recognizes the income shift that is taking place to regions like Chindia. Didn't a Chinese girl win last year's beauty pageant? Didn't Indian girls win a series of them since 1994? Our girls didn't become prettier overnight since 1994...