Saturday, March 28, 2009

Live TV debate

Should PM Manmohan Singh agree to a TV debate with Advani?

Niceguy251 says: Yes, why not? It will set a healthy precedent.

M Kumar says: But his health is failing; that's the excuse he has given for it(read: he does not want to debate to fail!). Moreover, Con-gress party does not debate democratically, it's run geneologically. PRAJAYA HO CON-gress!

Ruggedboy says: now i am a congress supporter so for me a debate on TV, newspaper, bathroom by advani means nothing i think let people decide on their own who they should elect and not advani sahebs tv debates do it


Niceguy251 said...

Yes, why not? It will set a healthy precedent.

M Kumar said...

But his health is failing; that's the excuse he has given for it(read: he does not want to debate to fail!).
Moreover, Con-gress party does not debate democratically, it's run geneologically.

Ruggedboy said...

now i am a congress supporter so for me a debate on TV, newspaper, bathroom by advani means nothing i think let people decide on their own who they should elect and not advani sahebs tv debates do it