Saturday, November 15, 2008

India Moon Mission

Should India send a man to the Moon? Will this benefit the country or could the money be more wisely spent?

VS says: A BIG NO। There are too many basic issues at hand that are top priority on mother earth , specially Bharat Mata. let us have roads that dont resemble the moons surface. let every child be fed & no mal nutrirition remain. let medical facility be available 2 all, wid the kind of taxes we pay, thats possible.

Ruggedboy says: In a nation that has close to 50% population living below poverty line one should abstain from such extravagant activites for as a nation we need to take care of our peopel their needs and atleast provide them the bare essentially instead of blowing money on sending men to moon and risking thier lifes

Niceguy251 says: I agree with VS and Ruggedboy in toto।

Busybee says: Is there something more to be gaind by sending our man to the moon ? if yes, then we hv to send. A man on the moon and a hungry population are 2 diff things. We cannot stop sending a child to school to save money to repair the roof.. or buy food. What needs to be done to provide food and medical aid is to improve the implementation of the schemes that already exist.


Anonymous said...


There are too many basic issues at hand that are top priority on mother earth , specially Bharat Mata.

let us have roads that dont resemble the moons surface.

let every child be fed & no mal nutrirition remain.

let medical facility be available 2 all, wid the kind of taxes we pay, thats possible.

Anonymous said...

In a nation that has close to 50% population living below poverty line one should abstain from such extravagant activites for as a nation we need to take care of our peopel their needs and atleast provide them the bare essentially instead of blowing money on sending men to moon and risking thier lifes

Anonymous said...

I agree with VS and Ruggedboy in toto.

Anonymous said...

Is there something more to be gaind by sending our man to the moon ? if yes, then we hv to send. A man on the moon and a hungry population are 2 diff things. We cannot stop sending a child to school to save money to repair the roof.. or buy food. What needs to be done to provide food and medical aid is to improve the implementation of the schemes that already exist.

Anonymous said...

I know, wrong blog, but i'm mad as hell.
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