Saturday, September 20, 2008

LHC Experiment

Is it fair to put the planet and all its life at risk just for an experiment?

Lostpatrol1953 says: what risk?

NaveenKumar says: Risk factor is just hype. Chill :डी

VS says: dooms day @ de corner, who cares really - let whatevers gotta come, come।

Busybee says: they must hv carried out this in a smaller prototype and then scaled up.. there must hv been a SHC also.. a small Hadron collider :D inany case who cares.. what will be will be...
SMITA RAJAN says: But everything went cool।

Niceguy251 says: In any such experiment there is certain amount of risk involved. You may remember nuclear tests left damage to the sites. Magnitude of this test lead to a lot of speculations which were played up by media. The tests are not yet over as if I am not mistaken it was reported that collisions will occure in two months. We may never come to know what damage was done to the site or surrounding areas as it will be kept a closely guarded secret.


Anonymous said...

what risk?

Anonymous said...

Risk factor is just hype. Chill :D

Anonymous said...

dooms day @ de corner, who cares really - let whatevers gotta come, come।

Anonymous said...

they must hv carried out this in a smaller prototype and then scaled up..

there must hv been a SHC also.. a small Hadron collider :D

inany case who cares.. what will be will be...

Anonymous said...

But everything went cool.

Anonymous said...

In any such experiment there is certain amount of risk involved. You may remember nuclear tests left damage to the sites. Magnitude of this test lead to a lot of speculations which were played up by media. The tests are not yet over as if I am not mistaken it was reported that collisions will occure in two months. We may never come to know what damage was done to the site or surrounding areas as it will be kept a closely guarded secret.