Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yoga and Patent

The Indian government has decided to lodge its protest against yoga-related patents issued by the US Patents & Trademarks Office. Can Yoga be Patented?

Hershey said…
so stupid... how can one 'patent' yoga... its just a certain way people stretch themselves... a form of exercise... what next, 'patent' walking? these Americans are crazy

The artist said…
these days you can patent everything it seems... however, I fail to grasp what benefit can come from doing this...


Anonymous said...

so stupid...
how can one 'patent' yoga...
its just a certain way people stretch themselves... a form of exercise...
what next, 'patent' walking?
these Americans are crazy

Anonymous said...

these days you can patent everything it seems... however, I fail to grasp what benefit can come from doing this...