Friday, July 28, 2006

Globalisation: Good or Bad?

Can globalisation be a force for good or is it just a charade for big business to exploit poor countries?

Harshal said...
it can be good... like one big nuclear family...although no everyone likes big families..there can be many fights...

Busybee said...
Globalisation is a charade for big business to exploit poor countries or a largely consumer kind of a country. Then the developed countries protect their own markets by imposing anti dumping duties on other countries, or banning imports all together. So Globalisation should be followed on a case to case basis with countries which have mutual trading patterns. Duties should be rigged on the basis of countries and not evenly across the board for all the countries.

Frenchita said...
The biggest advantage of globalization is that even the smallest countries without any political clout can prosper by selling their product , mostly agricultural ...easy availability of a variety of products at a lesser cost autmomatically benefits the average consumer ..quality improves also ... ...on the contrary .take protectionism as it is practised in Japan which limits the trade on farm products , rice etc from other countries resulting in high cost of living for the Japanese consumer eg a melon which costs $ 1.50 in the US costs $10 in Japan .

mojindro said...
globalization...nice word to hear that our our world is being contracted to a single globe.... but its the outlook also we have so many things divided .... but any way the word globalization will soon gain its full meaning....

shanks said...
look i dunno much, but everything is both good and bad.... the way i perceive it.... it makes the economy grows quicker,,,,,,but takes the creativity out of the people of our country.......u know...we have now ready made things at hand, which very well could ve been indian goods, that is if we wanted..... but guess now that people are earning good, they want everything too fast and thats why globilazation maybe works out well.....

DecentmonKey said...
Globalisation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.. overall, it is good for all the countries..


Anonymous said...

it can be good... like one big nuclear family...although no everyone likes big families..there can be many fights...

Anonymous said...

Globalisation is a charade for big business to exploit poor countries or a largely consumer kind of a country. Then the developed countries protect their own markets by imposing anti dumping duties on other countries, or banning imports all together. So Globalisation should be followed on a case to case basis with countries which have mutual trading patterns. Duties should be rigged on the basis of countries and not evenly across the board for all the countries.

Anonymous said...

The biggest advantage of globalization is that even the smallest countries without any political clout can prosper by selling their product , mostly agricultural ...easy availability of a variety of products at a lesser cost autmomatically benefits the average consumer ..quality improves also ...
...on the contrary .take protectionism as it is practised in Japan which limits the trade on farm products , rice etc from other countries resulting in high cost of living for the Japanese consumer eg a melon which costs $ 1.50 in the US costs $10 in Japan .

Anonymous said...

hi dude,
globalization...nice word to hear that our our world is being contracted to a single globe....
but its the outlook also we have so many things divided ....
but any way the word globalization will soon gain its full meaning....

Anonymous said...

i dunno much, but everything is both good and bad....
the way i perceive it....
it makes the economy grows quicker,,,,,,but takes the creativity out of the people of our country.......u know...we have now ready made things at hand, which very well could ve been indian goods, that is if we wanted.....
but guess now that people are earning good, they want everything too fast and thats why globilazation maybe works out well.....

Anonymous said...

Globalisation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.. overall, it is good for all the countries..